Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Hey Everyone, we wanted to take the time to share with you another one of our characters. Meet Delete, The Living Eraser.

We cam up with Delete after hitting the delete key of the computer's keyboard. A character who can delete anyone or anything. To make it more interesting, our character is a living computer virus who can not only infect computers but reprogram them instantly to do his bidding. Our character would be physical strong but shows little emotions and a loner type. This was going to be fun to create. Our character was not going to have an ordinary costume and look.

The first thing is our character Delete should have is a power glove where he can use his built in USB cord to connect to any computer, download his virus as well as reprogram them to do his bidding. We have to find or create a power glove. While browsing on Ebay, we spotted an old Nintendo power glove. This will be perfect. We made a bid and later that week won. Once it arrived, we made some modification to it by cutting the cord and painted it black. The buttons on the glove remained as Delete can use it when scanning. Here is Delete's power glove:
   The next thing is his eyes as we wanted Delete to be different. When Delete was reprogramming a computer or downloading a virus or hacking some information, you the fans can see what Delete was doing. We came up with some special eyes after browsing on Ebay again and came up with these:
To make Delete more interesting, he would be in silver and his shirt would be sleeveless where he had his power glove. All we needed is someone to model Delete. We went to Model Mayhem to begin our search and came across Lido Capogrosso. He besides being a model was also an actor. We sent him an email and he responded. Once we interviewed him, he liked the idea and agreed to model Delete. The best part he knew how to do his makeup. This is Lido's version of Delete:                                                            
After our shoot, Lido moved to California to pursue his acting career. 

Three years later, we wanted to resurrect Delete and bring him to Megacon. With Lido in California, we needed to find a new model. We discovered Roel Palloj, an upcoming model who was a big comic book fan. He jumped at this opportunity and studied everything about Delete from our website to prepare for Megacon. Our make up artist at the time found the perfect make up to use on Roel and on March 2012, Roel made his debut at Megacon as Delete. Here is Roel's version of Delete:
We made a video of Roel as Delete at Megacon. Here it is:

After Megacon, Roel moved on with his modeling career.

Grant Sawyers, who modeled ComicBookGuy for the Comic Book Expo in Orlando Fl was alos a perfect fit for Delete. He added flexibility to the Delete character making Delete more dangerous. Here is Grant's version of Delete:


Grant left modeling and returned back to school. What Grant did to the ComicBookGuy & Delete characters will never be forgotten and if he ever return to modeling and wanted to come back to us, the doors will always be opened to him.  

We wanted to do some updates to our website and wanted to improve our videos especially Delete's. We needed a new model so we placed an ad on Craigslist and who responded was Bryan Rabung. He did some fitness modeling but not cosplay or model a comic book character and was interested. We set up an interview and Bryan was on board. Like Roel, he studied Deleteand what did the previous models of Delete had done. We did a test shoot of Bryan to get him ready for his debut as Delete at a Power Ranger convention that was coming to Orlando Fl. Here is Bryan as Delete:
Unfortunately, Bryan was unable to come to the Power Ranger convention and decided to move back to Virginia.

As luck would have it, our ad on Craigslist was still active and we received a response from Dalton Fixx. We asked Dalton a question before we set up an interview as many people do not consider Batman a superhero so we asked that question to him and here is his response: "Heroes by definition is someone who displays courage or ability and is admired for their bravery. The fact he has no super abilities but instead developed his own abilities to adequately addressed any physical altercation and that he does this not for his own self acclaim but instead to make the world a better place makes him a true superhero."
We set up an interview and Dalton was hired. Here is a sneak peek of Dalton as Delete:
Stay tune to see Dalton in full Delete mode and when and where he will be making his appearances as Delete, The Living Eraser.