Monday, November 12, 2018



Hey Fans, with the success of vampire theme movies like "Twilight" and "Underworld" and recently the television series "The Vampire Diaries" I wanted to create a vampire character for my comic book.

The first thing was to decide whether to make my vampire a male or a female. I was tempted to make my vampire character a male but then it struck me as I was tempted so I decided to makle my vampire a female and her name will be Temptest. Inspired, I created a bio for my character:    

  "An Attractive Vampire who uses her looks to get victims and once bitten, they are under 

her control  and do her bidding. Temptest has a pet Chupacabra named Fang and he finds and 

brings victims to his mistress. A narcissist creature, Temptest is always concern about her looks 
and is seen either brushing her hair or sharpening or flossing her fangs. Cannot transform  

into a bat but can fly. Sunlight and Garlic are her weakness." I also wrote what she would say 

her victims: 



Now, I need to find a model to model Temptest. I placed an ad on Craigslist to find someone to 
model my latest character. A few days later, someone responded. Her name was Sara. I set up a 
time to meet with her. She had that look that I like for my vampire. She needed some pics of 
her to build her portfolio so I made a deal with her to help her with her portfolio in exchange
she would model my character and she agreed.

While I was getting her Temptest costume, my photographer at that time took Sara's pics for 
her portfolio. Once her pics were done, I found all of the parts for the Temptest character. 
I even found someone to model Temptest's victim.

The day of the shoot came and what a disaster it was. Sara was very difficult to work with. She
used foul language and had a bad attitude. The sad part was she didn't want to wear her 
vampire teeth. After that, I took Sara home. Maybe she was having a bad day I thought or 
maybe she was nervous. I gave her some time off.

During that time off, someone contacted me saying he wanted to model a character of mine. 
He had a build and was interested in modeling Fang, Temptest's pet Chupacabra. Someone on
my team at the time also found foam fitting teeth to make it easier for Sara to wear. I called 
Sara to see if we can set up a time to do this photo shoot with Fang. She gave some poor 
excuses but she said a photographer was going to take her pics and she can bring her 
Temptest's costume and have the photographer take some pics of her and then send them to 
me. I agreed but I also told her we found a solution for her vampire teeth. She immediately 
cut me off before I explained and said she would only use toothpicks. I tried to tell her again 

about the foam fitting teeth but she refuse to listen and said she would wear toothpicks. I did

not continue and asked when should I get her pics and she said in a few days. I ended my call 

with  her giving her the benefit of the doubt. I wasn't happy with her as for someone who was
modeling a vampire, didn't want to wear vampire teeth and wanted to use toothpicks. I was
not going to let that happen if she wanted to continue to model Temptest. A few days had 

passed and no pics from Sara. I did not bother to call or text her. I just deleted her phone 

number as I was finished with her. My photographer took pics of the Fang model and he photo 

shop his pics with Sara's that he took of her, added wings to Fang and added a background so

this is Temptest debut:

I never knew what ever happened to Sara but just like Chris P who modeled my 

ComicBookGuy character, I will never work with Sara ever again.

A year or two passed and I wanted to bring Temptest back to life. I came across a new 

 modeling site and saw this model and said to myself she would make an awesome Temptest.

Her name was Jade and I contacted her via email and she responded. I set up an interview

and she was in and had no problem wearing vampire teeth. I had a makeup artist and Jade 

suggested wearing a wig. My Kunai model at the time played her victim. Here are pics of Jade

as Temptest:



                         Jade then added a corset to the Temptest character. Here she is:

After that shoot, Jade left the project and returned back to school. She was very professional 

unlike her predecessor, gave her feedbacks, gave suggestions to improve the character and 

more. I was very grateful for her contributions and how she brought my character to life.

I suffered a loss of my mother in late 2011 and put a hold on some of my characters. Temptest 

was one of them but someday I will bring Temptest back to life again. 

In 2018, I was determined to bring Temptest back to life. My Shiverlique model called me and 

had another friend who was interested in joining our team. We did meet and she was became 

part of the team and was ready to become Temptest at the Power Ranger Convention here in 

Orlando Fl but she left as she received an offer she couldn't refuse. I wished her well and told 

her to keep in touch as the doors are always opened for her. 

I was not going to give up as I wanted to bring Temptest back to life. I went on Model 

Mayhem and came across a model who I felt would be perfect as Temptest. Her name is Candi 

Vain. I emailed her via Snapchat and then we spoke and she was very interested. We met in 

person and the rest is history as I found my Temptest model. Here is a sneak peek of one of 

Temptest's updates:

Here is Candi as Temptest: 

What is next for Temptest? Stay tune to find out. 

Til Next Time.