Sunday, September 13, 2015


With a comic book convention coming this November to Orlando, FL, I want to show off my characters there. One of my characters in particular is Shiverlique. Shiverlique is one of my first characters in my Antioch project. Later on, I will explain how the name Shiverlique came about.

    I wanted Shiverlique to be special so I went to look for a model to model her. As luck would have it, a model had an ad on Craigslist wanting to do different projects. I answered her ad and we met. Her name? Tatiana Karmanova. She's a Russian model and, at the time, she was a perfect fit. She knew acting as well as makeup and had an outfit, but the only thing that was missing was the name of my character. I told her she was modeling an ice queen so ... the character is made of ice. She gave me a suggestion to look up everything with the word cold, as she will come up with something on her end.

    There were, during my research, plenty of words related to cold. One word that stood out to me was the word shiver. The definition for that word is: to shake slightly and uncontrollably as a result of being cold.

    The word 'shiver' was different and I liked it for the name for my character. I contacted Tatiana and told her I came up with the word shiver. She liked it, but said it was missing something to make the character stand out. She told me about the actress Angelina Jolie sometimes was called Angelique. If we use the 'lique' part and combined it with the word shiver ... we will have the perfect name for the character. Henceforth, Shiverlique was born. 

Tatiana Karmanova as Shiverlique
 Sadly, though, Tatiana Karmanova is no longer with our organization but I wanted to give Shiverlique some more exposure in addition to the video and pictures I posted on my website. I wanted Shiverlique to make appearances at some comic book conventions, but I would need a new model since Tatiana was gone. I went on model mayhem to look for her replacement. It was going to be difficult, but I had to try. After viewing and reading a few profiles, I came across one that stood out. Her name? Anna Gibbs.

    After seeing her pics and reading her profile, I wanted her to model Shiverlique. I immediately sent her an email and waited for her to response. A few days later she sent word and we set up a meeting to talk. Our meeting was a success.  Not only was she beautiful, she was also very creative. She came up with a different look for Shiverlique to bring out more of her beauty. I liked what she came up with and, subsequently, made her debut as the "new look" Shiverlique at the Comic Expo in Orlando, Fl and later on at Megacon.

  Anna Gibbs' turn as Shiverlique
All good things must come to an end, as before with Tatiana, Anna moved on to new things and I am very thankful for what she did for the Shiverlique character and for taking this job so seriously.  

Elisabeth Hale took on the challenge of Shiverlique but she wanted to make some  modifications to the Shiverlique character. Here are her modification to the Shiverlique character:


Unfortunately, Elisabeth Hale never did model Shiverlique as she moved to New York for a better opportunity but I am grateful for the ideas and feedbacks  she gave about the Shiverlique costume and more.

What is next for Shiverlique? Stay tune to find out. To know more about Shiverlique and the rest of the Hall of Comics' characters, go to to see them in action.

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